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SAMCHOONGSA (Insecticidal natural material)
    Main Features
  • Samchoongsa is a product developed by using natural plant extracts.
  • With the effect of plant extracts in the product it has good to control pests such as aphids, mites and cabbage worm.
  • It is safe for humans, livestock, and crops.
    Method of Use
  • Method of Use
    Crop All Crops
    Time of use Whole growth period
    Dilution rate and amount of use (per 20ℓ of water) 500 times (40 mL) – 1000 times (20 mL)
    Method of use Foliage spray to apply the front and back sides of leaves
▶ Active ingredient: Plant extract (Sophora flavescens)
▶ Guaranteed ingredient:Water-soluble boron(0.05%) and water-soluble molybdenum(0.0005%)